Folds and wrinkles

This tutorial was made using Paint Shop Pro 7.04. but you can use ant graphics program for it.
Read the basic doll tutorial first if you're new to dolling.

1. Intro
2. The shape of the body
3. General tips
4. Photo studies
5. A few examples of drawing folds

This is more a study than a full blown tutorial. I have struggled a bit with doing folds and wrinkles but I am by no means an expert on the subject. Still, I hope these thoughts and examples can be of help to you.

Why bother drawing folds?
Well obviously to show off :-P
Not only do a few folds here and there look cool and add life to your doll, they also help to accentuate shape, movement and the texture of the clothes.

I am gonna start with some theory on the subject. Personally I like the intuitive way of doing folds: splash on a few here and there and hope it looks good. But it helps a LOT to know what you're doing and if your intuition sucks (like mine :-P) a bit of theory will be quite helpful.

So first of all... WHY do folds and wrinkles appear?
The fabric of the clothing is pulled and streched by gravity, movement and even the shape of the body itself. The weight, softness and thickness of the fabric will influence the folds as will the shape of the clothes.

So basically when you draw folds you'll have to consider the movement/pose of the base and the type of clothing and fabric you're doing. A doll with her arm streched in the air will have different folds than one with her arms folded in front of her. And likewise, a stiff shirt will act differently on each pose than a soft t-shirt. And a tight t-shirt will act differently from a loose t-shirt... and so on.

>>> next page, The shape of the body>>>